Tweets by @Brain_Wash added on Fun Tweets.

Mar 28 2011 Retweet
I don't know why people always make such a fuss about how much a newborn weighs. It's a baby, not a stash of cocaine.
Mar 2 2011 Retweet
Sometimes, watching Spanish language TV is like dating. I can only understand every third word they say, but the boobs. Dios mio, the boobs!
Feb 20 2011 Retweet
Marriage? Ha. Fatherhood? Please. I rarely feel so manly as when I put together a piece of furniture and have no screws left over.
Feb 14 2011 Retweet
When I'm sick, I just remember my mother's sage advice: Feed a cold, starve a fever, and drown a soul-crushing depression in food and booze.
Jan 30 2011 Retweet
Some day, I will meet a woman who loves me for who I am and supports all my dreams. And I'll think, "Something must be wrong with this one."
Nov 24 2010 Retweet
Why yes, I am watching a documentary about Marie Antoinette and enjoying it. Could it be because I'm straight fucking gangster? Perhaps.
Oct 20 2010 Retweet
I heard a woman remarking that she had worn "the wrong bra today". Ladies, as long as there are boobs in it, the bra is always right.
Sep 21 2010 Retweet
Why do they print nutritional information on Snickers bars? If you don't know candy is bad for you, what are the chances you can read?
Sep 15 2010 Retweet
I think I'll design something cool, get a bunch of people to like it, and then make it steadily worse with every update. Oops, been done.
Aug 25 2010 Retweet
My mother went to college. My mother had a strong career. My mother has traveled the world. My mother talks to the TV as if it's listening.
Jul 28 2010 Retweet
You know what keeps me up at night? Pauly Shore has turned down more hot women than I will ever, ever meet. Pauly. Shore.
Jul 27 2010 Retweet
Now I know why they call it Whole Foods. It took a whole hour to spend my whole paycheck and they can kiss my whole ass.