Tweets by @Coastiefish added on Fun Tweets.

May 31 Retweet
This new digital camera says the shutter speed is so fast you can photograph a hummingbird's wings, or a woman with her mouth shut.
May 10 Retweet
If you've never gotten out of the shower and dried off with paper towels, you probably do your laundry more often than I do.
Apr 28 Retweet
When life gave them lemons, the people at countrytime still decided to make artificial bullshit instead of actual lemonade.
Apr 20 Retweet
If you've never tried to use "the force" to get a an out-of-reach remote control, you're probably not as lazy as me.
Mar 13 Retweet
I just had to think to remember how to write a capital "P", so if anyone needs a tutor for their kid or anything, hit me up.
Mar 7 Retweet
If porno was realistic, there would be kids knocking on the door yelling that spongebob was on a commercial break.
Feb 17 Retweet
The shortest distance between two points is always closed due to some bullshit construction that should've been finished a year ago.
Feb 5 Retweet
I'm not saying farts smell good or anything, but I have found a few to be "delightfully disgusting ".
Jan 22 Retweet
I wish my kid had a "BAD MOTHERFUCKER" tattoo so that when asked which one was mine I could say "THE ONE THAT SAYS BAD MOTHERFUCKER ON IT!"
Jan 17 Retweet
"what if today's the day you learn about tacos and ostriches? You don't want to miss that, do you?" - me manipulating my kid to school.
Jan 15 Retweet
My kid just asked me where Washington 3-D is, because she wants to see the presidents house...Now I can't decide if she's cute, or retarded.
Jan 9 Retweet
23% of traffic accidents involve cell phone use, but 77% do NOT involve cell phone use. Statistics don't lie. It's safer to use your phone.
Jan 6 Retweet
I don't know about you guys, but I think Jesus would definitely have had a hard time paying for my sins on a carpenters salary.
Jan 6 Retweet
When I hear the term "Flash Mob" I think of old Italian gangsters wearing nothing but trench-coats.
Jan 4 Retweet
Everyone has to pay for their mistakes... except for banks. Banks are apparently exempt from a lot of shit.
Dec 4 2011 Retweet
My kid just told me all she wants for Christmas is a bell so she can "make lots of money like the man outside walmart."
Nov 27 2011 Retweet
If you can only be good at one thing, be good at cheating... Because if you're good at cheating, you're good at everything.
Nov 13 2011 Retweet
Hey guys whose girlfriends wear those giant t-shirts as nightgowns, one day you'll be married, and that shirt's going to fit her.
Oct 15 2011 Retweet
I've realized that when my wife says "what?" its not because she didnt hear me, shes just giving me a chance to unsay something I just said.
Oct 14 2011 Retweet
WebMD says pregnancy symptoms are fatigue, tender breasts, irritability, cravings, and headaches. All chicks are pregnant. All. The. Time.
Sep 11 2011 Retweet
They say not to go to the grocery store when you're hungry, but I ran out of food and few days ago, and it's just getting worse. :(
Aug 31 2011 Retweet
Someone told me they were getting colored contacts, and I said "aren't all their eyes just brown?" that was a complete misunderstanding.