Tweets by @the_moonface added on Fun Tweets.

Jul 22 Retweet
Seeing how Iron Man and Batman are only really smart and super rich, I’m really disappointed with Bill Gates.
Jun 17 Retweet
Everyone would believe the Bible if they would just say Tom Hanks wrote it, no one can not like Tom Hanks.
Jun 8 Retweet
They should make a Conservative Insurance to counter Progressive, they'll never fix anything and tell you to let Jesus take the wheel.
May 7 Retweet
Then outermost layer of your skin is mostly dead cells, so congratulations you're dead on the outside as well as the inside.
Mar 8 Retweet
What if God is gay and created Adam as a lover but Adam was straight and said "no way God." Then God got all pissed and created suffering?
Feb 2 Retweet
New study shows Android phone users are more likely to put out, apparently iPhone users are too busy waiting in a line to have sex.
Feb 1 Retweet
Me: I'd like to report a disturbance. Police Dispatcher: Okay, where sir? Me: In the force, I can feel it.
Jan 25 Retweet
Every time your kid starts crying when they don't get what they want, just say "I don't negotiate with terrorists."
Jan 15 Retweet
I don't understand romantic movies, why waste all that time with the complicated, man-hating main character when her slut friend is cuter.
Jul 3 2011 Retweet
Freud had it wrong, women don't have penis envy, men have boob envy. Explains the obesity epidemic and my need to breastfeed daily.