Tweets by @Brain_Wash added on Fun Tweets.

Mar 28 2011 Retweet
I don't know why people always make such a fuss about how much a newborn weighs. It's a baby, not a stash of cocaine.
Mar 2 2011 Retweet
Sometimes, watching Spanish language TV is like dating. I can only understand every third word they say, but the boobs. Dios mio, the boobs!
Feb 20 2011 Retweet
Marriage? Ha. Fatherhood? Please. I rarely feel so manly as when I put together a piece of furniture and have no screws left over.
Feb 14 2011 Retweet
When I'm sick, I just remember my mother's sage advice: Feed a cold, starve a fever, and drown a soul-crushing depression in food and booze.